
Spine Injury doesn’t keep woman from dancing

A 28-year-old woman suffered a terrible spinal cord injury in a car accident in 2008, breaking one of her vertebra and destroying the nerves to her spinal cord. Despite the fact that she has no sensation from her hips down, she still intends to walk down the aisle, when she gets married in April 2011.

She and her fiancée practice their wedding dance at the Detroit Medical Center’s Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan. The woman has been going there three times a week for two years. At first, she went to become stronger and regain her independence, but since her fiancée proposed to her, her goal is now to walk down the aisle even with a spinal cord injury.

“I wasn’t going to let this wheelchair stop me,” she told a friend.

“I always saw myself doing everything the traditional way. I wanted to get married and I want to walk down the aisle… that nice walk down the aisle. I couldn’t see myself rolling down the aisle.”

With the assistance of her father, her younger brother, and titanium steel braces, she intends to walk the 40-foot aisle in her full wedding dress when she gets married. She is certain it will be easy – at rehab, she can stay on her feet for three hours at a time.

Her insurance and that of the driver that hit her van pays for her rehabilitation, but not everyone is so fortunate. In Brooklyn and The Bronx and all over you must have insurance if you drive a vehicle.

This is why New York Spinal Injury Lawyers are so important. You and your family deserve the best treatment and compensation after an accident and a New York Spinal Injury Lawyer can help you get it.

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