
Articles Posted in Suffolk County


This is a case of a vehicular accident which has resulted in fatality

This is a case of a vehicular accident which has resulted in spinal chordfatality. According to a source, the accident happened on October 30, 2004. At approximately noon of that unfortunate day, Mr. Clayton Sprague, a driver employed by C&J Energy Savers was driving along Jerusalem Ave. He was on…


A Person’s Medical History could give Important Details into Thoracic Spinal Injuries

Before a person can be treated for a thoracic spinal injury, a doctor has to diagnosis them with the trauma. It is important that if you believe you have suffered a spinal injury or have any of the following symptoms listed below to contact your doctor immediately. Treatment can greatly…


Paralyzed Veterans Urge Congress to Leave VA Alone

The Paralyzed Veterans of America’s president appeared before Congress to urge the legislative body away from affecting their health care. “Without a doubt, the Department of Veteran Affairs is the most effective health-care provider for veterans. The VA’s specialized services, including its system of spinal cord injury (SCI) care, are…


Blue Food Dye May Hold Spine Recovery Secrets says a Rochester School

Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center have made an amazing discovery. The blue food dye known as Brilliant Blue G, or BBG, responsible for blue M&Ms and blue Gatorade alike, may actually reduce spinal injury damage. This is a breath of new hope for those who have suffered…


New Spinal Cord Injury Research Could Lead to New Treatments

A new research study by a Canadian researcher is learning new details about some previously unknown information about the human spinal cord, a researcher recalls. While there have been several spinal research studies over the years, what sets this study apart is that he has learned something that could improve…


Young Men under 32 High Risk for Spinal Injuries

Research has found that accidents often result in thoracic spine fractures. There are several groups of people at risk for suffering from spinal fractures. The first are athletes they have a higher risk than people who are not involved in sports. Athletes involved in contact sports such as football or…

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