
Articles Posted in Nassau


$7.6 Million Spinal Injury Awarded to Teen Paralyzed by Radiation Maltreatment

A teenager’s spinal cordwas destroyed in 1978 after she received a lethal dose of radiation at a hospital she was receiving cancer treatment from. She was awarded $7.6 million by a jury. Some believed at the time that it was the single, largest payment awarded in a malpractice suit in…


August 6, 2006 he noticed that O’Brien’s car was haphazardly parked along Church Lane

According to a Lawyer this is a case of driving while intoxicated involving minor accident. Robert O’Brien, according to Officer Wenzler who was also the sole witness to everything that happened testified that at about 8:45pm on August 6, 2006 he noticed that O’Brien’s car was haphazardly parked along Church…


A motion for rehearing was petitioned by Daniel Schmidt with the Court of Appeals

A motion for rehearing was petitioned by Daniel Schmidt with the Court of Appeals. This is with the personal injury case filed by Charles Van and his wife Rilla Van against Mr. Schmidt. According to sources, the Vans were claiming that the jury verdict should not be upheld by the…


This is a case of a vehicular accident which has resulted in fatality

This is a case of a vehicular accident which has resulted in spinal chordfatality. According to a source, the accident happened on October 30, 2004. At approximately noon of that unfortunate day, Mr. Clayton Sprague, a driver employed by C&J Energy Savers was driving along Jerusalem Ave. He was on…


A Person’s Medical History could give Important Details into Thoracic Spinal Injuries

Before a person can be treated for a thoracic spinal injury, a doctor has to diagnosis them with the trauma. It is important that if you believe you have suffered a spinal injury or have any of the following symptoms listed below to contact your doctor immediately. Treatment can greatly…


School Administrator Worried about Football Injury Award

In 1982 jury, in Seattle, Washington, awarded $6.3 million to a high school football player who sustained serious spinal injuries while playing for the school’s team. That judgment worried one school official. He worried that school boards across the country would be prompted to review the benefits of sports programs…


Paralyzed Veterans Urge Congress to Leave VA Alone

The Paralyzed Veterans of America’s president appeared before Congress to urge the legislative body away from affecting their health care. “Without a doubt, the Department of Veteran Affairs is the most effective health-care provider for veterans. The VA’s specialized services, including its system of spinal cord injury (SCI) care, are…

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